When Northvolt first faced a crisis, engineer Umer Waheed started his job hunt. After six months and more than 100 ...
Jörn company Vidde has won the prestigious German Design Award 2025 for its electric snowmobile. In September, they also won ...
In an open letter to Johan Forssell, the migration minister, Paul Connolly, the Norran English editor, asks why Forssell flew ...
The interest in dance in Skellefteå is skyrocketing, captivating both active participants and the viewing public. Skellefteå Dans & Balett, the ...
– Northvolt has immense potential, but their approach is flawed. Despite substantial funding, their processes are faulty, says an engineer, who's worked there for a few years. The engineer highlights ...
On Sunday evening, Peter Carlsson was interviewed on SVT's live news program Agenda. During the interview, the outgoing CEO was asked a number of questions, including when production would reach the ...
A few weeks before Christmas, Skyltsöndag is held in the city center. It is a Sunday when people come outside to enjoy a Christmas market with handicrafts and coffee, lotteries, gift shopping and ...
Nu är det klart vem som blir ny vd för Northvolt Ett i Skellefteå. Det är Markus Dangelmaier. Han kommer närmast från en ...
Den som söker jobb inom äldreomsorgen borde på samma sätt som inom skola och barnomsorg tvingas lämna in ett utdrag ur ...
En kvinna i Skellefteå blev av med körkortet och bilnycklarna på måndagen efter att hon blåst positivt för rattfylleri.
Inslaget handlade om "dödsgruvorna" i Kongo-Kinshasa som skulle visas i programmet "Kalla fakta" senare samma dag.