With elevated views on a terrace and clothed in beech forest, Upper Te Hoe Huts is a good midway point from Central Te Hoe Hut and Upper Whirinaki Hut. New Zealand Deer Stalkers Association help ...
No dogs. Other pets on conservation land rules. Discover the Outdoors interactive map A short climb on an old dirt road leads from the car park to Diamond Lake. A shady nature trail then goes around ...
Hunting is restricted in Molesworth as it is both a recreation reserve and a working farm, and there is a need to balance the requirements of both. Red deer, chamois, goats, pigs, and Canada geese are ...
No dogs. Other pets on conservation land rules. Discover the Outdoors interactive map Becketts Hut is sited just inside the forest edge at the top of a small tussock clearing, on the true left of the ...
Dogs with a DOC permit for recreational hunting or management purposes only. Other pets on conservation land rules. Discover the Outdoors interactive map The campsite is beside Napier-Taihape Road ...
From the carpark follow the poled route across the farmland to the forest edge and down to cross Makiekie (Coal) Creek for the first time. Depending on the amount of rain you may end up with wet feet ...
The East Coast Hawke’s Bay Conservation Board is the community’s voice in conservation management in the region. The board gives advice to DOC on local conservation matters and carries out important ...
This campsite is outside of the Aspiring Hut. It is a 'first come, first served' campsite. Pay at the Tititea/Mount Aspiring Visitor Centre in Wānaka. Campers have access to toilets and an open-sided ...
This opportunity is best in pairs. Apply with a friend or partner. Register your interest by filling out our online application form. If you would like to volunteer at Motuihe Island, contact Motuihe ...
DOC is exploring alternatives to its management role at Te Anau Bird Sanctuary/Te Punanga Manu following a review into the facility and its operations. There have been some expressions of interest in ...
DOC is reminding the public of the critical importance of protecting tara iti (fairy tern) nesting sites following an incident at Mangawhai Heads in late December 2024, during the birds’ peak breeding ...