Qatar Airways apologised for ‘any inconvenience or distress’ after a woman died about 10 hours into a flight from Melbourne ...
Mitchell Ring and Jennifer Colin were flying from Melbourne, Australia to Doha, Qatar on Qatar Airways last week when a woman collapsed and died after exiting a restroom about 10 hours into the 14 ...
Passengers on a recent Qatar Airways flight are quite upset after being forced to sit with a dead lady on their dream trip to Venice ...
Qatar Airways is being sued by an Australian woman who returned from a smoking room that was too smoky for her liking, only to fall as she tried to get back onto a motorised buggy at Hamad ...
The map below shows the location of Doha and Melbourne. The blue line represents the straight line joining these two place. The distance shown is the straight line or the air travel distance ...
A Melbourne family's distress during a recent travel experience has highlighted different airline approaches to disability ...